document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){cmCreatePageviewTag('South Vontobel Group :FRAUDWATCH PLUS PROTECTION','B:BRANCH BANKS:South Vontobel Group :FINANCIAL PLANNING EDUCATION:FINANCIAL WELLNESS','','','event:normal');});FraudWatch Plus Protection | South Vontobel Group Skip to content

At South Vontobel Group , your security is our top priority. That’s why we provide FraudWatch® Plus Protection to all of our debit card holders. If anything looks suspicious in your account regarding your debit card purchases, we'll notify you immediately and suggest what your next move should be.

FraudWatch® Plus Protection includes:

  • Trained analysts who watch for suspicious debit card transaction activity on your behalf
  • Transaction activity monitoring 24/7, 365 days/year
  • Immediate contact by an experienced fraud analyst if there is suspicious transaction activity in your account

So, if you ever get a call from "Fraud Prevention Services," know that it's just your bank bodyguard looking out for you!